Who is a Lone Worker?

A lone worker (LW) is an employee who performs an activity that is carried out in isolation from other workers without close or direct supervision. Such staff may be exposed to risk because there is no one to assist them... [(1) source - Wikipedia]

So by definition, anyone who works alone, including contractors, self-employed people and employees, is considered a lone worker.

Lone workers can include:

  • those who work from home
  • anyone working in the energy industry/oil & gas Industries: including upstream workers like surveyors, land managers, drillers, and midstream or downstream workers such as refinery workers and drivers
  • construction workers
  • mobile workers: traveling salesmen, truck drivers, health visitors, repair technicians, emergency services, police and other first responders
  • manufacturing facility workers
  • those who are working outside normal hours such as security guards, cleaners, service station attendants
  • utility workers: meter readers, technicians
  • anyone who is self-employed
  • people who work apart from their colleagues: receptionists, retail clerks, service station attendants
  • real estate agents, home care nurses, nannies / au-pairs

What is Connected Safety?

Connected safety is a term used to describe a safety solution for lone worker monitoring ensuring that your lone workers are monitored in real-time, enabling a quick response if an event should occur.

Connected safety means that every employee is equipped with total monitoring technology, including gas detection. Every safety incident, be it a gas leak or a lone worker injury, is communicated in real time to live monitoring personnel. [(2) source - Blackline Safety]

Connected Safety & Gas Detection

Real-time emergency response management

Every second counts when an incident occurs. Emergency response management is very important in a life-threatening situation and could be the difference between an optimised rescue and recovery.

When using a Blackline Safety G7 device and an alarm is triggered, live monitoring personnel are prepared to take action.

  • Within one second: G7 sends a high H2S alarm to the Blackline Live network 
  • Within two seconds: the live monitoring team receives the incident type ie: gas reading, fall detection and worker location
  • Within 31 seconds: a voice call is established with the worker
  • Within 40 seconds: a team member receives a voice alert, mustering them to a safe area OR nearest responders are notified and directed to the worker’s location